Thursday, July 24, 2008

And They Want us Disarmed!?!?. . .

And the anti-gunners of Hollywood, Academia, the DNC, the UN, etc. want us disarmed in the face of subhuman filth like these two? Watch the video of Broadnax' jailhouse confession and tell me that we do not need to be prepared to use deadly force at all times while out and about!

Sunday, July 20, 2008


This link to should work.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Want a Good Scare?

If you want to read something guaranteed to scare the bejeepers out of you, try Death by "Gun Control" by Aaron Zelman and Richard Stevens. It is published by Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, and first came out in 2003, IIRC.
One thing that I find so striking and so chilling is the utter callousness with which these evil governments slaughtered all of these disarmed subjects, about 170,000,000 all told. Anyone who could read this volume and still believe that disarmament and "gun control" are ways to assure the safety and security of ordinary citizens is either delusional, a fool, a coward or is purposely deceitful.
Death by "Gun Control" is available from

Hello out there!

Hi, Folks!
This is my first post. I am a 60y.o. Nichiren Buddhist living in Southeastern Wisconsin. Unlike many of my co-religionists, I am strongly in favor of the Constitutionally guaranteed right to keep and bear arms.
My favorite bloggers are David Codrea (War on Guns) and Nicki Fellenzer(Liberty Zone).
You'll be hearing more from me here later.
Ciao for now.